December 22, 2010

The Harwells take on the City

One of the great things about working with Crusade is the sky miles we rack up from all of our travels. This December we decided to cash in our miles and take our first family vacation with Wilson (and my sister and her hubby) to NYC. Neither Andrew or I had been before, so we were excited to explore a new place; Our favorite hobby is traveling and we spend an abnormal amount of time on TripAdvisor even when we have no trip planned.

I'd be lying if I said we had a blast. It was more like we got blasted... by the wind. We thought the city was incredible, but we spent most of our time layering and then running into the nearest warm building and unlayering. We would love to visit again when the mercury is a little higher in the thermometer.

Anywho, here are some pictures which are far more interesting than my words:

In case you were wondering if W stayed warm or not... I'm pretty sure he had on more layers than all of us put together.

We decided to leave the stroller at home and use the Bjorn. Andrew was in need of a deep tissue back massage by the end of the trip, but it really was a life saver. This pic was in Central Park... I love it when cities rest on bodies of water.
Me and Allie in front of the famous tree at Roc Center. We literally snapped a couple pics and then made a run for the nearest warm building (which happened to be the M&M store).
W getting wild n crazy in Times Square...
One of my favorite stops was F.A.O Schwarz (the famous toy store). We picked up Wilson a souvenir there. (Yes, they are both in their p.j.s and yes I know it's the cutest thing ever!)
Because W had already met him and because the line was literally like a line at Disney World in mid July, we decided to forgo the Macy's Santa. But we were in luck to see his sweet wife walking around (she probably packs the bags for him anyway!)

One of the best parts of the trip for me was to spend time with my college best, Becca. She and her hubs (and adorable dog!) have been in NYC for a year now so she was a lot of help in getting us around. You should totally follow her blog, by the way. She's got a good dose of laughter or life commentary daily. Check it out here.
And if you're wondering if W did okay on the plane... he was awesome! He either slept or just sat and stared the whole time. We were very thankful.
Well, that's a wrap! Sorry for the novel post. Since I probably won't be posting until after... have yourself a merry little Christmas!


claire said...

great pics, harwells! merry christmas : )

rebecca said...

these pics are soo great. thanks for the shout out! :)
i love W with the FAO teddy. hehe. merry christmas to you guys.

ps: what happened to the pics of sam wiggins molesting your child?!!?