July 14, 2011

A Dangerous Sign

I've hit a wall with cooking here.  When you don't have all of your normal cupboard-stock it's hard to make good food... not that I'm a whiz in the kitchen at home either, but at least I have more options. So last night after going back and forth about going out to eat or staying in we decided on peanut butter sandwiches with the incentive of going out for Mary's Mountain Cookies after. These cookies have been a temptation for me every day since we've been here. Normally a cookie is a cookie to me, but these give me Cookie Monster googly eyes.  And to make matters worse (or better, depending on your perspective) they will put your favorite ice cream between two of your favorite cookies and VOILA! ...

 Can't you hear it saying: "You must eat me and you must eat me now!"

 Wilson replied with "Sure thing, cookie!"

And just when I thought I would be safe from its siren's call in a couple of weeks, I spotted this sign...
Oh, brother.


The Elliotts said...


It looks like you all are having a great time! I have enjoyed reading your updates. I haven't felt much like updating my blog...with all the evening sickness I have had, it has gone by the wayside! I will be out of the first trimester August 6th!

Anyways, I wanted to ask who designed your blog? I am trying to figure out how to make mine wider and then how to post my pictures larger. Any suggstions?

Hank and Anna Uzzell said...

yum! we need to go

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

I love those cookies too! So fun that they ship!