January 02, 2013

Kentucky Christmas

After dodging tornadoes, replacing a flat tire, and outrunning a blizzard, we finally arrived in Kentucky on Christmas day. We went straight to my grandparent's house. I was kind of delirious from the ride and overwhelmed with all the people and I took no pictures. (I'm sorry Mamu! I hope someone else took some!) It was so fun to be with everyone and Wilson basically got a whole toy store. I love my family.

We drove the hour back to Murray and went straight to bed... waking up the next morning to Christmas #3. I pulled out my real camera for the first time in maybe a year and finally took some non-grainy pictures.
If trains were all he got, he would have been a happy boy.
His face when Mom pulled out his big present (a balance bike)... Meh.
By this point he totally had the whole unwrapping thing down and loved it. After each present he would say "Wanna open it?" Like... Why aren't we playing with these toys after we see them?

Our big present from Mom and Dad was a portrait lens (maybe it will motivate me to use my camera more?), so we had fun playing around with it.

Dad (Bigs) with his new spyware
Opening presents is hard work!

Did I mention it snowed on Christmas night?! We woke up to a winter wonderland on the 26th and shortly after opening our gifts, we bundled up and ran outside. 

We didn't stay out long because we Mississippi folk were COLD and I couldn't find W's gloves I had packed so he was rocking some sock hands. It was much cozier inside.

Allie and Andrew spent most of the day playing each other in Ticket to Ride on their phones.

Wilson finally took some interest in his new bike. We watched some videos of kids doing wheelies and other tricks on balance bikes so we are hopeful this will add to his coolness factor.

On the 27th my other grandmother (also a Mamu... I was the creative namer of both) came to celebrate with us.
Will he always be this cute?! Pictures like this make me want to pause time.

I got to meet the neighbors' new sweet baby, Lilly. My parents' neighbors have become like family to us. They have a little boy who is a year older than W and he looks so forward to playing with him each time we visit.
Opening presents with Mamu
Mamu got W a train... a good move.

So thankful for the blessing of being in her family line. Mamu is such a sweet example to me of a woman of grace and a life evident of someone following Jesus.

We were so thankful to have been able to spend another Christmas celebrating in Kentucky. Next stop was Birmingham...


Anne Marie said...

so glad y'all had a great christmas! and what lens is this? I'm interested in a new lens but haven't landed on which one is best to get as a "second" lens. You're pictures are great!

Hank and Anna Uzzell said...

looks like a fun christmas!! we have family coming in town this weekend, but would love to catch up after that:)