April 01, 2013


If I had to list out my favorite five places in the world, Sassafras (the Harwell lake house) would definitely be included. Maybe even top three.
I don't know, maybe even number one.

Either way, we are really grateful to Andrew's parents for being so generous with their place.


We spent last Thursday-Saturday there before Easter weekend and though we were missing Patrick, Leslie, and their crew, we had a restful weekend spending time with Andrew's parents and our little family.

We also retrieved Samford after his three week vaca at Baba's. (Thank you Baba and Grandan!!) W was pretty excited to have his brother back.

We roasted s'mores and hotdogs, caught some fish, read books (started and finished Sparkly Green Earrings, which is a short and fun read for you other mommas!), meandered around the lake... and just did lake things. Which means we did a whole bunch of nothing.

I don't know about you, but my heart needs a little more nothing in our lives.

Lake visits also means Sarah visits. She's been a best friend since I met her my freshman year of college working at Camp Marannook. My heart also needs a little bit more of bests in my life, too.

Andrew and I found ourselves planning and rearranging to figure out when we could come back. We forget how much we need the lake until we spend a weekend there.

Being there made me think, "I need to be still and quiet more" and "I need to get away more" and "I need to stop doing things all the time"... and I found myself resenting my life at home. But now that I'm back in "real life" (and by real life I mean I'm running to the potty every 10 minutes with a two year old... and he is sitting on the potty doing nothing as I type... and he will pee on the floor the minute I take him off the potty... but I'm not complaining, I promise.)... now that I'm back in this real life, I am reminded that I have access to that kind of rest at any moment I choose. Even when I'm paying bills or chopping broccoli... Jesus gives offers a quieting of my soul. Because He promises abundant life... for all of life.

1 comment:

Hank and Anna Uzzell said...

looks like a wonderful place!!