April 20, 2014

Easter, 2014

Like I said in Wilson's update post, we have been talking about death alot lately because of Andrew's grandfather's passing into heaven. If Wilson doesn't see or talk to someone for a couple of days, he asks if they died (ack!)... it's all kind of morbid, but it gives a good springboard to talk about spiritual things with him.

We were making Easter cards for family with crosses on the front and I asked Wilson if he knew what happened on the cross. Nope. (He can remember all the lines to Wheels on the Bus... but not this?! Side note.) He likes to make sure that Grandaddy really is getting a new body, because (was this a mistake?) he saw the old one in the casket and realizes it doesn't work anymore... that it's just a shell, a temporary home. I told him that the only reason Grandaddy can have a new body, the only reason Grandaddy is safe in heaven, is because of what Jesus did on the cross. 

How in the world do you tell a three year old about the most precious, incredible moment in human history? I wanted to grab him by the shoulders and not let go until he understood every word. I know that will come, and I know that our job as his parents is to weave these beautiful truths into everyday life for him... so I am praying God gives us a lot of grace to do that.

Easter was always one of my favorite holidays growing up, and I want to make it memorable for him, too. So I made this bunny cake. Maybe it's just from pictures, but I think I can remember alot of cakes my mom and grandmothers made growing up.... something that tastes SO good decorated really fun just seems to seer in the memory. It wasn't terribly hard but when we arrived at the egg hunt I was taking it to and it slid from the front seat into the floorboard I cried lots and lots of tears.

I must have had an angel in the floorboard, because by some miracle the cake survived. I can't explain it y'all... supernatural cake resurrection.

Our friends, the Smiths, had all the friends over the week before Easter for a egg hunt at their house. So thoughtful of them to host! One of my favorite parts was trying to get a picture of all our little people.

Do our friends make cute babies, or what?

We released the hounds outside to hunt down their ten eggs a piece.

Wilson tried to stop and open each egg to see what was inside before he put it in his bucket. A sly one. We convinced him that this was a terrible gamble and all the eggs and chocolate would be gobbled up if he didn't hurry.

On the Saturday before Easter, we went to another egg hunt at Wilson's sunday school teachers' house. They invite every child in the church and there must have been 100 kids there. Incredibly generous.

I kind of gabbed with a friend the whole time and didn't see Wilson hunt one egg, but I don't think he cared. By the time I got to him he was content playing in the sand box.

We loaded up on some more sugar and played with friends.

On Sunday morning I woke W up by telling him he had a surprise in the kitchen.

We didn't do an Easter basket last year and I felt the pang of it afterwards... you know, the mom guilt. So I put a little something together for him this year. 

Really I wanted an excuse to buy him these two CDs I've been holding in my Amazon cart for awhile. Hidden in my Heart sings mostly straight scripture and is definitely a lullaby CD (I tried to play it this morning during breakfast and it was lulling us all back to sleepy town.)... but it has such pretty arrangements and beautiful lyrics. The Elizabeth Mitchell CD (Thanks, Courtney for the rec!) is just straight fun... very folksy and upbeat and she sounds a lot like Sheryl Crow to me, whom I adore.

Also, he got his first pair of goggles.

Then off we went to have the words of the gospel washed over our souls. A beautiful sermon on a vindicated King and I left thinking how incredibly blessed we are to hear such life-changing gospel truths every Sunday... not just Easter.

Who is this dapper young fellow? And what did he do with my toddling Little Man? :(

We had a family Easter lunch (plus our sweet friend, Tori)... I cooked my first Easter lunch ever. (How did I make it this long without doing that?) and then we just lounged around in the hammock the rest of the day. 

And Charlie kicked his hardest kicks and made sure we all remembered he's on his way. Yes, we know Charlie... we are ready for you to join in the fun. Happy Resurrection Day to all.

1 comment:

Claire said...


Love your post!! What precious pictures and even more precious memories!


P.S. we also love the 'hidden in my heart' CDs!!! :)