March 27, 2017

Rosemary's Baptism

Last Sunday night, Andrew had the opportunity to preach to our church. He took us to Psalm 120, the first of the songs of ascent.... the pilgrim songs. These songs were not meant to be sung alone, but as a chorus that mingled with the tromping of
feet that were traveling together. Voices that were, yes, raised to the heavens... but that also stayed earth-bound and weaved in and out of your friends' ears... anthems of truth that went before you and caught you up from behind. 

It was a beautiful message that made me think of the significance of the morning... of Rosemary's baptism. Her sign that she is caught up in the singing. 


On Sunday, her church told her that the gospel promises that we sing over her...around her... those are promises for her, too, if she believes. 


As my best friend's husband poured water on her head to signify the washing of the Spirit... I thought that what he was really saying to her is that she is our fellow pilgrim; She is walking with us in this not-quite-our-world home. 


And her baptism says she's a part of us. We haven't left her behind. She's being carried along in our arms, in the midst of the travel to a better land.


And I was thinking and hoping of that wonderful day when I can take the hand of my daughter who will also be my sister. When she's not just carried along but chooses to come along and her voice will join our chorus and encourage other weary hearts.


This just isn't the year for us to buy a baptism dress, so I asked one of my dearest friends if I could borrow.  I was, admittedly, a little sad at first that she wouldn't have her own... but then I thought about the beauty of her wearing a dress that Allison wore as a baby. And all three of her girls. What a tangible reminder that our friends are her family, too. 


We had a small little gathering for lunch after church as we feasted and celebrated the goodness of our Father.




Right now you don't have a choice but to be carried as a pilgrim. You live in a home and with a family who have their eyes fixed on a better country... We love this world created by our good Father, but we also know it's not the way it was supposed to be. And until then, we will be tent-pitchers, sewing seeds of beauty and goodness that are given to us by the one leading us, Jesus. He is slowly restoring this world back to its original beauty. 


And not just the world around us... but the worlds inside of us. He can do the same work in your heart... He can make you who you ought to be, He can make you into the most beautiful version of yourself. On your baptism day, we gave you a sign to point you to that truth- that just as you could not apply the water from the baptism font to your head... you cannot apply the work of Jesus to your heart. It is a work of grace, not of merit.


And after the sign, the singing. In one of the more beautiful moments of my life... I cried through your first pilgrim song. 

Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so...


Little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong. 

Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so.


There will be so many times in your life when you're going to need your fellow pilgrims to hold you up with songs of truth.. Times when you are so low and disoriented that you cannot hear the voice of your Father singing love songs over you. So on Sunday, we sang. Before you could even believe it, or doubt it... we sang truth to you. 

And one day, you will need to sing it back to us. Your father and I are hoping and longing for the day when you and your brothers become our forever sister and brothers in Jesus. We love you, Rosie Baby! 

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